Jackrabbit Cohosting
Pricing & Membership

Experience unparalleled convenience as a Jackrabbit member. We handle every aspect of your fleet’s management, ensuring you reap the benefits without the hassle. Simply provide the cars, and we’ll manage the rest.


Pricing Per Vehicle

$ 29.99
/ Monthly
  • Fleet Size: 1-4 vehicles
  • Revenue Share: 65%
  • One-Time Setup Fee: $199


Pricing Per Vehicle

$ 9.99
/ Monthly
  • Fleet Size: 5+ vehicles
  • Revenue Share: 70%
  • One-Time Setup Fee: $0

Can’t decide which plan is right for you?




Pre-Trip Cleaning

Customer Service

Pickup & Delivery

Secure Parking

24/7 On-Site Security

Vehicle Maintenance

Roadside Assistance

No Setup Fee

Available For Fleets

Navigating Your Cohosting Queries

Dive into our frequently asked questions to gain clarity on the Jackrabbit cohosting experience. From earnings to vehicle safety, we’ve addressed the most common concerns to ensure you embark on this journey with confidence.

Monthly statements detailing your earnings and vehicle performance are emailed to you, ensuring you’re always informed.

We prioritize the safety of your vehicle. In the unlikely event of damage during a rental, our comprehensive insurance coverage ensures repairs are handled promptly.

While we utilize data-driven strategies to optimize rental rates, we value your input and consider any pricing preferences you might have.

Starting your cohosting journey is simple. Sign up on our platform, list your vehicle, set your preferences, and we’ll handle the rest.

Hear from our satisfied partners:


Ready to Elevate Your
Car Hosting Experience?

Join the Jackrabbit community and discover the true potential of your fleet.